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Seachem De-Nitrate

Original price was: $19.97.Current price is: $17.57.
MatrixCarbon is a truly unique activated carbon. It isde*nitrate is an economical. natural. porous material with a pore distribution and

Seachem Matrix

Original price was: $33.97.Current price is: $29.37.
Matrix™ is a high porosity biomedia that provides efficient biofiltration for the removal of nitrogenous waste. Matrix™ is a porous

Seachem Matrix Carbon

Original price was: $42.97.Current price is: $38.17.
MatrixCarbon is a truly unique activated carbon. It is formed as a spherical bead for optimum hydrodynamics. and will not

Seachem Purigen; Freshwater & Marine Filtration

Purigen® is the highest capacity organic filtration resin on the market; a tool that every hobbyist. both beginner and advanced.