These bags are big. strong and leak-proof.
Coming in at 22.5 x 33cm they are extra long and thick to protect your hands. Made using 100% post consumer recycled material. every roll of bags comes on a recycled cardboard core. the cardboard packaging is recycled and recyclable. These rolls will fit in all standard bag dispensers and are also available in mint-scented options.
Available in 4 pack sizes
60pcs | 4 rolls of 15 bagsÂ
120pcs | 8 rolls of 15 bags
270pcs | 18 rolls of 15 bags
540pcs | 36 rolls of 15 bagsÂ
Bags: 22.5 x 33cm
PE (100% post-consumer recycled). Post-consumer recycled cardboard
Further Information
We all have a responsibility to clean up after our dogs. When choosing which poop bag to use. it comes down to how you dispose of your dog’s waste. Available in scented or unscented. our recycled bags are a great option for those who dispose of their dog’s poop in park bins or general waste. No bags break down in landfill so if that’s where the bag is heading. it’s best to choose recycled. Recycling gives waste plastic a second life and is 44% more energy efficient to manufacture than virgin plastic. If you dispose of your dog’s waste in a well-managed. contained home compost system. making compost for non-edible plants. we recommend our home compostable bags.
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