Your cat’s favourite lickable treats. now enriched with nutritious Superfoods! Delight your feline friend with a tasty low-calorie treat that supplements their diet with some of nature’s finest power foods. Each Catit Creamy Superfoods variety consists of an all-natural. delicious meat paste. topped off with a duo of highly nutritious plant-based ingredients.
- Lickable cat treats enriched with Superfoods
- Fresh. all-natural ingredients. including essential nutrients
- Delicious by itself or as a dry food topping
- Catit Creamy enables you to interact and bond during mealtime like never before!
- Does not contain corn. grain. wheat or soy. and is free from artificial flavours. colours and preservatives.
- Contains 4 tubes of Catit Creamy Superfoods
- 10 g tubes
Available Size: 4 Pack
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