Triple Wormer (Pyrantel Pamoate / Praziquantel)
by durvet
The active Combo ingredient in D-Worm. pyrantel pamoate / Praziquantel . has been proven highly effective in removing large roundworms (ascarids toxacara canis and toxascaris leonina) .hookworms (ancylstoma caninum and uncinaria stenocephala) and Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum and Taenia Pisiformis) in puppies and dogs. D-Worm also helps prevent the reinfestation of toxocara canis in puppies and adult dogs and in lactating bitches after whelping. No fasting or laxatives required. Approved for use in puppies as young as two weeks old. In clinical tests on dogs of various breeds and ages. Pyrantel Pamoate / Praziquantel caused no side effects. One dose works within 24 hours to virtually rid pet of Tapewprms. roundworms and hookworms.
Active Ingredients:
For Puppies & Small Dogs (6lbs to 25lbs)
– Each Flavored Chewable contains 30mg pyrantel pamoate and 30mg praziquantel
For Medium & Large Dogs (greater than 25lbs)
– Each Flavored Chewable contains 114mg pyrantel pamoate and 114mg praziquantel
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