Zodiac topicals offer an effective and economical solution to kill adult fleas. mosquitos & ticks and flea eggs laid on your pet. in an easy to use once a month treatment. Zodiac POWERSPOT Flea & Tick Control for Dogs contains a powerful. effective insecticide that kills adult fleas and ticks on contact and Precor. a long lasting Insect Growth Regulator which prevents flea eggs and larv’ from maturing into adults. effectively breaking the flea life cycle.
- Contains a powerful. effective insecticide which kills adult fleas & ticks on contact
- Also kills Blacklegged Ticks (Deer Ticks) which may carry the organism that carries Lyme disease
- Kills flea eggs laid on your pet for 4 weeks
- Effective. easy to use and economical
- Spreads over complete body through natural motion of animal
- 4 Month Supply
Available Sizes: For Dogs Under 30lbs (14 kg). For Dogs Over 30lbs (14kg)
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