Showing 1–12 of 716 results

API 5 In 1 Aquarium Test Strips

Original price was: $19.97.Current price is: $17.47.
API® 5-IN-1 TEST STRIPS are the quick and easy way to test the 5 most important aquarium water parameters –

API Accu-Clear

API® ACCU-CLEAR water clarifier quickly clarifies cloudy water in your aquarium. eliminating haze to make your water crystal clear. Cloudy

API Ammo Lock

API® AMMO LOCK ammonia detoxifier is proven to convert poisonous ammonia into a non-toxic form. AMMO LOCK ammonia detoxifier works

API Ammonia Test Kit

The API® AMMONIA TEST KIT measures ammonia to help prevent fish loss. as ammonia is the number one stressor and

API Aquarium Salt

API® AQUARIUM SALT is made from evaporated sea salt and is a must-have for your aquarium! AQUARIUM SALT promotes fish

API Copper Test Kit

Original price was: $30.97.Current price is: $27.17.
The API® COPPER TEST KIT allows you to easily and accurately monitor copper levels to maintain copper-based fish treatments at

API Freshwater Master Test Kit

FRESHWATER MASTER TEST KIT Measures the most important aquarium levels quickly and accurately Benefits: Tests pH. High Range pH. Ammonia.

API Freshwater pH Test Kit

The API® pH TEST KIT monitors pH to maintain healthy freshwater conditions in your tank. pH control is imperative to

API Melafix

For the care and maintenance of ornamental fish fins and tissue in aquariums and ponds.  Helps promote fin and tissue

API pH Down

API® pH DOWN pH adjuster lowers pH to make freshwater aquariums more acidic for fish and plants when levels rise

API pH Test & Adjuster Kit

Original price was: $31.97.Current price is: $27.87.
The API® pH TEST & ADJUSTER KIT not only allows you to easily and accurately test the pH level in


API® pH UP pH adjuster raises pH levels in your aquarium to make water more alkaline when levels fall too